:D later
Monday, October 17, 2011
School is really starting to get to me and also not having ready access to the internet as well. I took a few pictures back in September of my one and only big haul but I keep forgetting to put the picture on my laptop so I can upload while at school. I'm hoping to get that up within this week.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sorry for being away
Sorry for being away so long. After coming back to Mississippi school started and then I don't have access to the internet all the time and being busy with homework and such I haven't had time to really do my nails. I had Zoya Tess on my tips but for some reason that night my nails weren't cooperating with me and smudging all over the place so I didn't take pictures. This week I know for sure I won't be on. My cousin comes in Tuesday night and I'll be with her until Sunday. Her wedding is Saturday and me being the Maid of Honor, I will be with her getting last minute things done before the big day. Hopefully I can get back to posting at least once or twice a week once this week is over.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Zoya Order came in!
My best friend's Zoya order came in! Her polish, Celine, is not pictured because I went ahead and wrapped it up so I could send it off in 2 weeks. Didn't think to take a picture of all 3 before I wrapped it.
Since I couldn't use my Zoya promo code last week before it expired I let my best friend Chanel use it. She ordered Celine and she let me pick 2 for the freebies! Since I didn't know what to pick I just let her pick 2 from my wishlist. She picked Tess and Valerie. I've already used Valerie but because I have had to deal with my dog's flea problems that she aquired while I was away it has come off a bit. Whatever I was using starting to make the polish come off. Other than that I looovvee the way Valerie looks on me!
I still have to reswatch the Teal Toes polish from Diamond Cosmetics. I used it on my feet BUT it wasn't completely dry like I thought when I put my flats on and my left big toe is messed up. Been a little lazy with doing it over.
Right now I'm leeching off of someone's internet around here until I can convince my dad to let me get it here. Til next time ^_^
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Teal Toes!
Today I finally picked up my Teal Toes order thanks to George Stamas from NP & G for ordering these for me. He's such a sweetheart for doing this for us.
Teal Toes is to raise awareness for Ovarian Cancer.
Go to these two links to find out more to help raise awareness for Ovarian Cancer.
I received 6 bottles to distribute among my friends. Four have homes as of now except for 1 and I kept one. If possible I will have a giveaway for it when I can. I'm hoping to have a swatch up soon for it.
NP: Lonely Day - J-Symphony
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Country Flag Mani
So here is the mani that I mentioned in the previous post that I was thinking about. My right hand looks a mess but hey I tried! I used a pen top to get the middle of the South Korean flag to blend over each other, if you understand that lol Oh! Quick Question, when you girls do nail art, do you do both hands or just the hand you're taking a picture of? I ask because when I did my right hand, I thought it was dry enough to fold my clothes and the next thing I know I look down and the yellow part of the German flag had dragged down and was coming off.
I decided to pick 3 countries that I hold dear to my heart other than the US. My index is of Germany, the place where I was born and where half of my family resides. Seeing as I'm half German from my mother's side, this flag was a given. Middle finger is Japan. Japan was my first exposure to foreign culture/music. Being raised in the South, I was never exposed to anything other than rap and hip hop most of the time, which to this I do not like. It exposed me to things I would never have seen had I stayed in this little urban bubble.
It all started with Adult Swim when I was 13 years old. Staying up Saturday nights watching anime and paying attention more to the music than the actual show lol I tried learning the language but learning the characters were so flipping hard for me. Anything I have learned I've already lost. When I learned of the Earthquake that struck Japan I was heading home for Spring Break and I shed tears in the car. It's still very much a place that I want to visit in the future.

[CHG Lemon Fizz, White on White, Bermuda Breakaway, Essie Too Too Hot, Black Polish from Old Navy]
Ring finger is of South Korea. Another place I would love to live and/or visit. It is such a beautiful country despite my old teacher telling me it's not. I start Korean class in a week from the date of this post and I can't be more happier than I am. I already know how to read it but I just don't know what I'm reading means. I can say a little bit. It's going to be hard work balancing this class and German at the same time but I can do it. I'm far enough in German to not get anything mixed up grammar wise.
As I'm typing this, it's Friday afternoon and I'm done packing for the trip home tomorrow (Saturday). I won't have the internet for who knows how long since my Dad thinks it's evil... >.> but w.e I can't waste gas when I have no job by going to other people's houses to use the internet. I have an online class and I only have a 1 hour break in between classes and there is no way I will be able to do the homework for that in a timely manner. But we'll see if I get a job or even if I don't, I'll have enough refund money to get internet from our cable company. I'll be working on convincing him once school starts up.
I'll try to get a few posts in while at school or when I'm over my old teacher's house. Zoya's should be coming soon and I have to pick up my Teal Toes polishes and distribute them. So at LEAST 2 more posts will be coming.
Til then ^_^
NP: Remember by Bang Yong Gook feat. Yoseob of B2ST
Sunday, August 14, 2011
My Stash
By the time this is published I will most likely be in Mississippi getting ready for school and with no private internet. If I am on it will be during my breaks when school starts on the 22nd and when I'm over someone's house to do my Statistics, Accounting, Korean, and German homework. I will be in the process of convincing my dad to let me get the internet at the apartment because it is a waste of gas having to drive other places in order to do my school work when I'm home. During the last few days here at my sister's I will be trying to set up a few posts to post sporadically over 2 weeks. Already have something in mind for when I finish packing up ^_^ I don't know when I'll be able to post about it though so stay tuned!
On to my stash! So far I have more China Glazes than anything else. I will have gotten some Zoya's in the mail by the time this is out and after mailing my best friend Chanel's hers, and the other things I'm supposed to be sending her (soon as my refund arrives!!), I will try to post them up when I can.
If you want to take a look at what I have here it is. Still a work in progress until I figure out what categories will work for me.
NP: Beautiful World by Utada Hikaru
Friday, August 12, 2011
The TraceFace Philes 1200 Follower giveaway!
Traci over at The TraceFace Philes has continued her tradition of giving away some amazing goodies at every 100 milestone. This time for her 1200 giveaway she's giving away Essence's Nail Art Twins Edward & Bella! I've been eyeing these twins for quite a while. I love the color blue and if you took a look at my stash you would see most of it is some range of blue ^_^
Monday, August 8, 2011
Amazing giveaway at Gone2rehabBRB
2 amazing looking lipsticks from Essence are up for grabs in a giveaway over at Gone2RehabBRB. The colors look amazing!! Go enter here
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Haul from this past weekend.
I was unaware that the entire Outlet was having some sort of sale and I do believe that weekend was tax-free shopping in Mississippi. The only stores I was interested in was the Cosmetic Company and Bath & Body Works. All the above were bought from B&BW since I didn't have the money for Cosmetic Company. They didn't look like they were having any kind of sale and right now I'm not interested in foundation and all that jazz just because I want to do the research on how to choose what I need and how to keep it on since it gets PRETTYYY HOT down here.
So onto the Haul, I walked into B&BW and saw that they had a 50-75% off sale going on. I was in heaven!! I only had 20 dollars on me since that was supposed to be my gas money for taking this boy back to Mississippi. But anyway I digress! I bought a Berry Vanilla body mist for $3.12 with the original price being $12.50 and a body cream from C.O. Bigelow in lemon for .99 cents and this little jar is usually $7.50!! I couldn't resist a bargain and they smelled nice. I had my sister go back and get 3 more jars the next day since she and her husband were going to Biloxi for their 3 year Wedding Anniversary and I didn't know how long the sale would last and I was loving the cream. All together for the 2 things I bought that Friday, I spent about $4.44. I couldn't believe I FINALLY caught a sale. I rarely ever catch sales!
No polish this week :( I'm waiting until my refund comes to buy just a few things when the OPI Pink Shatter comes out. Then it's saving time = no buy until I find a job or Christmas when I can give out my wishlist to my sister again :D
Monday, August 1, 2011
Another new giveaway
I hope you all have a chance to enter this giveaway tonight. It ends at 11:29pm est!! The prizes are all things I would love to have!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Polish Fixation Giveaway
Erika over at Polish Fixation is having a giveaway to celebrate reaching 25 followers. I'm looking at those purples like 'omg I want' lol I only have 2 purples in my collection and they are a darker type. Go check out her blog!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
2 week haul!
Recently I've been a bit strapped with money seeing as I have no job and I have to pay for my bridesmaid dress for my cousin's wedding. So over the last 2 and a half weeks I've bought very little. I've bought only 3 things. A week and a half ago I bought Sally Hansen Insta-Dri top coat along with a Pure Ice Kiss Me Here polish from Wal-Mart. Today I stopped by Walgreens after dropping my nephews off at camp and picked up Essie's Too Too Hot (AND it's my first Essie polish!) which came with free toe separators. I couldn't resist a free gift lol and I needed some of those anyway.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The awesome Traci over at The TraceFace Philes is holding ANOTHER giveaway. Yup you heard me, another one! This time it is for reaching 1k followers. I would suggest you guys go enter there is a prize of 12 China Glaze polishes from the Metro Collection. I know I'll definitely be entering this one!
The Brrrds Nest Giveaway!
Another great giveaway is going on that you guys should know about! She has lots of stuff I want to try but I'm reaallllyyy looking forward to that UD Primer Potion! Been itching to have one for a long time now.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Another Duo Mani
After coming back to my sister's from Mississippi last night, I decided to do my nails since I had given them a day free of polish. Used China Glaze White on White and For Audrey. Both hands' ring fingers are white.
question. how do you ladies come up with your post titles? I just can't seem to think of titles for some reason. I usually just post a song name or lyrics when I can't think of anything (which is most of the time lol)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Duo-Colored Mani
Sorry for the crappy quality pic. This was taken with my phone's camera.
I did this last week with China Glaze's Lemon Fizz & Heli-Yum with L.A. Colors Glitter Art Deco. This didn't last that long since the top coat that I did have was very old (like it was my mother's nail polish) and thinned out with nail polish remover. I'm hoping to try this again with my new Sally Hansen Insta-Dri. So hopefully it will last for more than 2 days.
My Nail Wishlist
Here are a few nail polishes that are on my wishlist right now. I'm sure more will be added as my addiction grows ^_^
China Glaze:
- Refresh Mint
- Grape Crush
- Strong Adhesion Base Coat
- Rage
- Shine
- Space Cadet
- Flirty
- Tess
- Raven
- Harmonie
- Valarie
- Serena Glam Sets: Smashing & Black Shatter
- France: Spark de Triomphe
- France: Rally Pretty Pink
- England: Grape Set Match
- England: Your Royal Shineness
- La Paz-itively Hot
- Not Like the Movies
- Protein Base Coat
- Top Coat - Good to Go
-I also have a list at my dad's place so I'll update again when school starts up next month-
New Giveaway alert!!
Traci over at The TraceFace Philes is having another giveaway for recently reaching 900 followers. Go over and congratulate her and/or enter her giveaway for a chance to win some nice prizes. She also has 3 other giveaways ending within weeks of each other. So hurry!!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Purple Saturday
So I am finally making a post for what this blog is mostly going to be about lol I painted my nails Saturday using China Glaze's Coconut Kiss and applied Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri on top.
Sorry the pic quality isn't so great~ It's been raining all weekend so this was taken inside my room.
I'm really loving Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri. It dried my nail super quick and with a nice shine to them. I would always smudge my nails somehow because they were never completely dry but with this I didn't have to worry about that which I loved!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Pretty Edgy Nail's 300 followers giveaway
If there's is anyone reading this then I would suggest going over to Pretty Edgy Nail's blog and joining her giveaway. There are some awesome prizes involved that I think anyone would love to have! What girl doesn't love polish and makeup!
Here's a just a few facts about me since I seriously suck at doing introductions.
This is my new blog dedicated to my recent addiction to nail polish. I'm 22 years old and a Junior in college. I live in a very small town in southern Mississippi. I have 23 nail polishes now since today I went out and bought a new top coat and nail polish that I will blog about later. I have a very lovely dog that I adore to death. If there's anything else you would like to know just leave a comment ^-^
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